Why can’t I see my CTE counts on the Fall Dashboard?
- The CTE indicator code was no longer reported in PEIMS fall (or summer) starting with the 2020-2021 school year.
Why don’t I see my CTE and program of study codes yet for current year?
- CTE Codes are now related to summer data and are no longer reported by the LEA to the state. However, OnDataSuite uses course completion information to auto calculate CTE Codes to match up with TEA reporting. For further information regarding auto calculation, please see the kb article: https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/faq-for-ods-auto-calculation-of-cte-code-and-program-of-study/
- Verify that a PEIMS summer file for current year has been loaded. If you have only loaded a PEIMS fall file, this will not have the necessary information.
I have a PEIMS summer file loaded for current year, but the CTE Code and Program of Study aren’t using current year information?
- Verify that the PEIMS summer file includes course completion records (InterchangeStudentTranscript says OK in File Center).
- If there are no course completion records, the calculation for the CTE and Program of Study Codes will only go through prior years’ data.
- Note: Currently, we can only use what has been reported to PEIMS through course completion records. If a student received their courses from another LEA, these courses would not be accounted for in the report. We do allow for historical CTE courses to be loaded for using in the auto calculation. See kb article Loading District – CTE Transfer Courses
Can I upload TEA CTE and program of study codes from prior years and where can I review these?
- To upload TEA CTE and program of study codes, please see the kb article: https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/tsds-peims-cte-student-roster/
- To review uploaded TEA CTE and program of study codes, go to Student Report Center>Summer PEIMS>Summer Enrollment and look for criteria TEA CTE Code or TEA Program of Study.
- Also review this kb article for how to compare the TEA CTE codes to our OnDataSuite auto calculated CTE codes: https://kb.ondatasuite.com/knowledge-base/tea-cte-to-ods-cte-code-comparison/
What is the best report to run for my CTE students?
- Student>Student Custom Reports>CTE>CTE Coding Summary
- Please review the Tools>Report Info for detailed information on how the report operates.
Are there any other resources I can utilize for CTE review:
- See Support>Training>Webinars>Past, Keyword Search: cte, CTE Data Review – Summer PEIMS dated 5/25/2022. It also has a Handout. This is the most recent training on CTE data.