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TEA Outcome Bonus (CCMR) File Uploads/Reconciliations

As of 10/10/23: OnDataSuite began releasing functionality to facilitate the uploading of TEAL (TEA Outcome Bonus -CCMR- Graduate Lists) for Preliminary and Final reporting reconciliations between CCMR Accountability and for Summary of Finance finalization.

For details on the file uploads reference TEA CCMR Outcome Bonus Files .

As of 1/3/2024 the final reporting updates were released in the Finance Custom Reports – Summary of Finance (SOF) Reports – Summary of Finance Summary Summary of Finance Student Data Summary report when TEA CCMR Outcome Bonus Final Files are loaded for the respective funding year. 

As of 11/9/2023 there were four reports available utilizing the TEA uploads:

Updated on 01/22/2024

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