Report Location: Accountability > State Accountability > HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) > CCMR Accountability to Outcome Bonus Roster
Summary: This report is a student side by side roster of the OnDataSuite CCMR Early Warning System (EWS) for Accountability and the HB3 Outcome Bonus (CCMR) Funding Estimates results by year of enrollment.

The report is formatted to reflect the TEA comparison chart of College Ready, Career Ready and Military Ready as shown above.
Usage: This report provides an overview of the CCMR Status for Accountability criteria and Outcome Bonus criteria on each student grade 7 – 12 by year of enrollment, excluding Fall and Summer Student Attribution Codes (E1000) = 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Use the report to track students progress towards Accountability and Outcome Bonus.
CCMR Accountability students are awarded annually at any grade level UPON meeting the criteria
Outcome Bonus students are awarded upon year of graduation for funding two years later. For Additional Information – reference the Frequently Asked Questions KB
The earliest report year option available is the 2019-2020 year . This was the earliest year CCMR Outcome Bonus data was available to calculate in OnDataSuite, if all data sources are loaded.
Data Sources and Calculations:
- This report will depend heavily on all required files for CCMR EWS and HB3 Outcome Bonus reporting to be uploaded into the system as it relies on PEIMS, SAT, ACT, TSI (Accuplacer) and Supplemental (Level 1 or 2 Certifications, Military Enlisted) data files to check who MET any of the CCMR Accountability and/or Outcome Bonus (CCMR) requirements.
- Reference the CCMR Accountability to Outcome Bonus Roster Crosswalk below for definitions, calculations, file dependencies and additional resources.
Show/Hide Filters (toggle to display the filter options – default is Hide)
Filter Options:
- Year
- Year Filter ( Default latest Summer PEIMS file loaded and related CCMR EWS data sources)
- Campus
- Default – all campuses
- Campuses listed reporting students in grades 7 – 12.
- Grade
- Default restricted to Grades 9,10,11 and 12.
- Filter options available for Grades 7 – 12.
- Graduation Status
- Default is all Graduation Statues, included has not graduated.
- Note: If choosing 01 – Student graduated., this list might not equal leaver ad hoc querying since the logic is different. For this report, graduates included have:
- Leaver Reason Code (E1001) = 01
- Fall or Summer Enrollment record for the year of the graduate
- No Fall or Summer Enrollment records for the subsequent year
- Note: If choosing 01 – Student graduated., this list might not equal leaver ad hoc querying since the logic is different. For this report, graduates included have:
- Default is all Graduation Statues, included has not graduated.
- Student Indicator
- Default is all students
- Eco Dis, Non Eco Dis and Special Ed (indicators related to Outcome Bonus Funding categories
- Note: Red highlights on Military Ready filters – These filters will only be available with year 2022-2023 and subsequent years. Reference TEA TAA Sept 8, 2022 related to reinstating Military Readiness in CCMR.
- All CCMR – Show all students regardless of CCMR Accountability Or Outcome Bonus criteria status
- CCMR Accountability Met – Only students that have a CCMR Accountability Met = “Y”
- CCMR Outcome Bonus Met – Only students that have a CCMR Outcome Bonus Met = “Y”
- College Ready Accountability Met – Only students that have a CCMR College Ready Accountability Met = “Y”
- College Ready Outcome Bonus Met – Only students that have a CCMR College Ready Outcome Bonus Met = “Y”
- Career Ready Accountability Met – Only students that have a CCMR Career Ready Accountability Met = “Y”
- Career Ready Outcome Bonus Met – Only students that have a CCMR Career Ready Outcome Bonus Met = “Y”
- Military Ready Accountability Met – Only students that have a CCMR Military Ready Accountability Met = “Y”
- Military Ready Outcome Bonus Met – Only students that have a CCMR Military Ready Outcome Bonus Met = “Y”
- CCMR Accountability Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR Accountability Met = “N”
- CCMR Outcome Bonus Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR Outcome Bonus Met = “N”
- College Ready Accountability Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR College Ready Accountability Met = “N”
- College Ready Outcome Bonus Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR College Ready Outcome Bonus Met = “N”
- Career Ready Accountability Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR Career Ready Accountability Met = “N”
- Career Ready Outcome Bonus Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR Career Ready Outcome Bonus Met = “N”
- Military Ready Accountability Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR Military Ready Accountability Met = “N”
- Military Ready Outcome Bonus Not Met – Only students that have a CCMR Military Ready Outcome Bonus Met = “N”
- Note: Red highlights on Military Ready filters – These filters will only be available with year 2022-2023 and subsequent years. Reference TEA TAA Sept 8, 2022 related to reinstating Military Readiness in CCMR.
- Compare with TEA Final File & Prelim File Selection
- Requires upload of TEA TEAL released CCMR Outcome Bonus Preliminary and/or Final roster files acquired through LEA TEAL Account
- When selected a TEA Column will appear next to the ODS column allowing you a comparison between the ODS estimated individual data file results to those of the state released criteria based upon the graduation year and file status (preliminary or final).
- Focus List
- Drill down Student ID for detailed Student Profile.
- Tools : Export to Excel, Bookmark and Report Notes