Student Profile – Summer PEIMS


  • Displays multi year attendance information by six weeks’ reporting period (scroll down to locate subsequent years)
  • Students who have changes to their campus, instructional track, or grade level in a reporting period will have multiple information for the same reporting period
  • Best Practice: Utilize for locating data anomalies


  • Displays multi year discipline information for all incidents.

Course Completion

  • Displays multi semester, multi year information from the student’s transcript-43415 record
  • Post 2018-2019:
    • The teacher is displayed from the Class Roster Winter Enrollment if there is a matching teacher record to the Class ID (50300/40110-E1056)
  • Pre 2019-2020:
    • The teacher of record will be tied to this class via the teacher class assignment record (30305)
  • Note: the Teacher is hyperlinked to Staff Profile Dashboard if the user has access to view staff profiles
  • Collection column is included to differentiate Summer versus Extended Year reporting
  • Green highlighting denotes high school credited courses where credit received (Pass/Fail = 01, 08)
  • Yellow highlighting denotes high school credited courses incomplete or passing but credit not received (Pass/Fail = 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 10, 12)
  • Red highlighting denotes high school credited courses failed, no credit (Pass/Fail = 02, 03, 11)
  • No highlighting denotes non high school credited courses (pre 2019-2020)


Industry Certifications

  • Displays post secondary certification licensures starting with the 2019-2020 school year including the submission period (fall or summer)
    • Note: Both fall snapshot and leavers’ certifications will be denoted as Fall Submission. Review the Leaver & Finalized Graduation Status tab for confirmation of whether or not a student is a leaver.
    • Note: Post Secondary Certification Licensure Result element started reporting 2022-2023.
    • Note: Certifications for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 can be found on the Leaver & Finalized Graduation Status tab.

CTE and Program of Study

  • Displays on the left-hand side the OnDataSuite Auto Calculated CTE Code along with the Program of Study if applicable
  • Displays on the right-hand side the TEA CTE Code and TEA Program of Study codes based on loading the PDM3-404-002 Career and Technical Education Student Roster from TSDS to the File Center>PEIMS CTE Student Roster tab

CTE Service IDs Considered For Auto Calculation of CTE & Program of Study Codes

  • Displays the service IDs in the students’ course completion records along with the corresponding values for Pass/Fail, Credit, Level, and Program of Study which all play a part of the calculation. Note: See for further information on how these are calculated.
    • Will display service ID multiple times if associated with multiple Program of Study codes
    • Sort is by Program of Study, Year, Service ID
    • Also displays the Career Cluster which is not used in the calculation but is displayed for informational purposes
    • Transfer Course column displays a green check mark if course was uploaded through the File Center>Data Sources>District>CTE Transfer Courses tab

CTE Transfer Courses

CTE Attendance Multiplier Post 2021

  • Displays multi year data by six weeks’ reporting period and instructional track for every service ID and V code eligible days present as per the student’s CTE-42410 attendance record

Flexible Attendance

  • Displays multi year flexible attendance information by six weeks’ reporting period (scroll down to locate subsequent years)
  • Students who have changes to their campus, instructional track, or grade level in a reporting period will have multiple information for the same reporting period

Graduation Program

  • Displays multi year information on the student’s Graduation plan status from summer (intent)

SPED Attendance

  • Displays multi year data by six weeks’ reporting period and instructional track for student’s Special Education-42405 attendance record

Student Restraint

  • Displays multi year Restraint-45435 incidents
  • Includes whether or not the student is SPED

Summer Enrollment

  • Displays multi year summer special programs information
  • *Note: Title I Part A Enrollment reported on separate dashboard

Summer SPED Program Enrollment

  • Displays multi year coding for special education students including disabilities and services
  • Will display all occurrences of changes throughout the year
  • Note: Started reporting 2019-2020 in Summer PEIMS

Title I Part A Progam Enrollment

  • Displays multi year Title I Part A-41461 coding and campus enrolled


  • Displays multi year Truancy-42600 coding
  • Note: Started reporting 2020-2021

CTE Attendance Pre 2022

  • Displays multi year data by six weeks’ reporting period and instructional track for each V code as per the student’s CTE-42410 attendance record
Updated on 05/30/2024

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