Before using OnPoint to review the Fall PEIMS Staff/Finance data, the Fall PEIMS interchange files must be uploaded into the file center.
- The TSDS Fall PEIMS interchange files are extracted from the SIS/BIS/HR..
- NOTE: Use CHROME to upload files into OnDataSuite.
Verify Fall data is available for current year to review.
- Check Fall Dashboard
- Verify Year is the current year **If current year is not displaying or available to select, contact your loacal ODS Administrator to request a current year Fall PEIMS file is loaded with the required Staff and Finance data as noted below.
- Check for a Fall PEIMS loaded message and the date of the latest upload. **Note: Verify with your ODS Administrator the frequency of file uploads.
- If a current Fall file is loaded – check for Staff and Finance data using the File Center:
- Keeping data current is key to accurate reports so please contact your OnDataSuite Administrator ( and/or PEIMS Coordinator) if a “fresh” file needs to be loaded.
- Every time a new file is loaded it is a complete overwrite (wipe/replace) of the previous file.
Note: A “Prelim” file means that the data is NOT the “Final” file that will be sent to TEA therefore expect data to change.