OnDataSuite HELP (kb.ondatasuite.com) is a Knowledge Base (KB) of articles and reports you may search for information. Frequently Asked Questions are addresed in KB articles. Use keywords in the Search feature to narrow the menu to relevant articles. Details on several articles relevant to the Census Block Groups and Census Tiers are noted below.
The majority of the SCE funding is determined in Fall PEIMS reporting, primarily the SCE Census Tier weighted funding student counts.
- For each student who is educationally disadvantaged (economically disadvantaged) AND resides in an economically disadvantaged census block group as determined by the commissioner is entitled to an annual allotment equal to the Basic Allotment x the weighted tier (Census Block Tiers) assigned to the individual student’s census block group.
There are four primary areas regarding reconciliations of student counts on the HB3 Compensatory Education report with the Student Data Validation – Funding Data Validation – Fall Potential Compensatory Education – Census Tiers Miscoding report. Reference the Report Info under Tools for details of each respective tab . Review and verify these students coding is correct.
Correct any coding errors in your Student Information System (SIS) and verify the updates are released in your next scheduled TEA Ed-Fi iODS load for OnDataSuite to process the data.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Why doesn’t the Eco Dis Student count on my Fall Dashboard match the total Student count on my HB3 Comp Ed – Eco Dis/Census Tier report?
- Verify Ed-Fi Rules: Fall PEIMS Fatal Business Rules 40100-0190 or 40100-0191 are NOT triggered as the first step of reconciliation with the Fall Dashboard count.
- Fatal Edit : 40100-0190 checks for missing Student Census Block Group numbers on eligible students: Students triggering this edit will result in potential underreported Tier counts for HB3 Comp Ed. Ensure the students have a valid Census Block Group number in the next TEA Ed-Fi iODS load and promotion into ODS.
- Fatal Edit : 40100-0191 checks for Student Census Block Group numbers reported on ineligible students: Students triggering this edit will result in potential overreported Tier counts for HB3 Comp Ed. Ensure the students Census Block Group number is removed OR correct the Student criteria coding as required for reporting a Census Block Group in the next TEA Ed-Fi iODS load and promotion into ODS
- ANY Student on either of these Fatal Edits will not be reported on the HB3 Comp Ed Student Count as of 24-25.
Reconciling Fall Dashboard Eco Dis Student Count with the HB3 Comp Ed – Eco Dis/Census Tiers Report
- Why doesn’t my Homeless Status count on my Fall Dashboard match the Tier 5 Homeless count on my HB3 Comp Ed – Eco Dis/Census Tier report?
Reconciling Fall Dashboard Homeless Student Count with the HB3 Comp Ed – Eco Dis/Census Tiers Report