TELPAS/TELPAS ALT- Accepted Data File Layout
This file is typically a text file (.TXT)
Historical files may be a data file (.DAT)
- This file is a fixed length DAT or TXT file
- File cannot be compressed or zipped.
- File name cannot contain spaces.
- When naming files, only use letters, numbers, dashes or underscores.
Do not attempt to load any summative data file. These files are NOT formatted as student prelim or final files and will not load into the OnDataSuite file center. These files will be named similar to the example below.
Example: YOURISD_Page1_ALB-ZAC_StudentData_1452099000 AM.csv
Loading State Assessment Files – Step-by-Step
For step-by-step details on how to load assessment files please visit the KB article below
Loading State Assessment files
For detailed data file format information provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) please visit their data file format website location here:
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LOAD ANY Cambium PRELIM Files into OnDataSuite
ATTENTION: Districts have notified us that Cambium will be placing the state agreed upon data file formatted test results directly into the District Test Coordinator’s Cambium inbox and the naming convention should appear named as something similar to the example below:
District Test Coordinator’s Cambium file in the inbox will be named something similar to
Please consult with the Texas Student Assessment Program Calendar of Events or with your state assessment vendor to determine the location and date the file will be released in your TIDE folder here
It CANNOT be a file you generated via the Cambium rep