TSDS PEIMS Edits are located under the “TSDS Rules” tab – blue menu bar.
NOTE: Must have access to view Social Security Numbers in order to access Edits.
- Excel Workbook – exports all to excel workbook
- Campus – filter option
Click on the count of Fatals to see the list of business rules triggered.
User may excel ALL
Select 1 business rule (hyperlink) to see the names that triggered this edit. Use tools drop down to export to excel this list.

- Features of TSDS Rules:
- TSDS Business Rules Features requiring Administrator access to enable:
- TSDS Business Rules Notifications
- Allows a campus/district user to receive email notifications for all edits or specific Program Areas ( IE…SPED), every time a new PEIMS file is loaded in the file center.
- TSDS Campus Business Rules Exclusions
- TSDS Business Rules Role Access
- TSDS Business Rules Notifications