Use Filter(s) or Focus List options at the top of reports to be student group specific.

Student Custom Reports
- Attendance Reports>Attendance Summary
- ADA FTE Summary
- Attendance Contact Hour Summary
- Select Categories filter: Special Programs Attendance and ADA
- Percentage in Attendance Comparison by Ethn, Gender, and Special Pop
- Select Category filter: Special Population
- Attendance Reports>Attendance Student Detail
- Low Attendance Report
- Select Program Code filter
- Low Attendance Report
- Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Reports
- Discipline Reports>Action Reason Summary
- Discipline Action Reason Code Trend Analysis
- Focus List
- Discipline Action Reason Code Trend Analysis
- Discipline Reports>Action Summary
- Discipline Action Code Trend Analysis
- Focus List
- Discipline Action Code Trend Analysis
- Discipline Reports>Special Programs
- Discipline Action Reason Student Counts and Days by Gender/Ethn/Spec Pops
- Emergent Bilingual / LEP Filter
- Focus List
- Discipline Action Student Counts and Days by Gender/Ethn/Spec Pops
- Emergent Bilingual / LEP Filter
- Focus List
- Students Receiving CTE or Bilingual ESL Services With Short Term Discipline Removals
- Discipline Action Reason Student Counts and Days by Gender/Ethn/Spec Pops
- Emergent Bilingual / English Learner
- English Learner Year Comparison Percentages
- Summer Filter
- English Learner Year Comparison Percentages
- Graduation / Dropouts / Cohorts
- Dropout Early Warning System
- Focus List
- Dropout Early Warning System
- PEIMS Summary and Review Reports
- Summer PEIMS Checklist
- ADA, Bil/ESL Funding and Emergent Bilingual Rows
- Summer PEIMS Checklist
- Special Programs